
Within Family Finance Manager, the third core concept is that of a Transaction. A transaction is a representation of a financial event occurring in the your financial world and mostly tracks an income or expense. Transactions are linked to Accounts and Categories and when posted they update the value of the associate Account and Category.


A Deposit transaction should be used to record the receipt of value into your finances. A deposit will typically be received into an account and the value allocated to one or many Income Categories and Subcategories for analysis.


A Withdrawal transaction should be used to record expenditure. A deposit will typically be made from an account and the expense value allocated to one or many Expense Categories and Subcategories for analysis.


A Transfer transaction should be used to record the movement of money between accounts. This will require specifying both source and target accounts.

Investment Purchase

An Investment Purchase transaction is a specialised transaction that should be used to record the purchase of an Investment Fund held under an Investment Account. The use of a specialised transaction means that Family Finance Manager can track individual investment costs and work out the appropriate capital gains at sale time and monitor the overall performance of an investment fund.

Investment Sale

An Investment Sale transaction is a specialised transaction that should be used to record the sale of an Investment Fund held under an Investment Account. As part of recording the transaction, Family Finance Manager will work out associated gain (loss) and record that value against the default, or specified, Category and Subcategory.

Last modified July 4, 2020