

Welcome to the Family Finance Manager documentation site.

We have tried hard to make Family Finance Manager as intuitive as possible to use and believe that if you are a regular user of modern computer software, and that you have a basic understanding of your finances, you should be able to get started with Family Finance Manager very quickly. We hope you enjoy the experience and that together we can help you manage your finances and achieve your goals.

If you are interested though, or if you have more specific questions as to how the software works, below is a list of chapters that will help you understand where we are coming from, how the software works and how to perform some of the more specialised functions:


This chapter provides a high-level introduction to Family Finance Manager, including: what it is; how it came about; what it can be used for and how it can help you to manage your family’s finances. If you can wait a short while before getting started, we stronly recommend reading this chapter if only to provide a context for what is available in what is actually quite a complex piece of software.

Getting Started

How to download and install the software packages and how to configure it to meet your requirements.


Key concepts that will help you understand how Family Finance Manager works.


Manage financial accounts.


Analyse financial activity through Categories


How to record and manage transactions.


Details of all releases of Family Finance Manager and related packages.

Last modified March 4, 2021